Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sonar Fails - Navy Orders More

DOT&E has panned the sonar that the LCS MCM module was trying to use.  So, what does the Navy do?  Order more of them, of course!  From the website,

“Raytheon Co., Portsmouth, Rhode Island, is being awarded a $20,406,692 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-14-C-6302) to exercise options for the procurement of four AN/AQS-20A sonar, mine detecting sets.”

So, the AQS-20A sonar which doesn’t meet specifications, costs $5.1M each.  Seems like a wise use of taxpayer money.  I cannot believe how screwed up Navy procurement is.

The AQS-20A sonar was the small sonar that was to be towed by the now cancelled (or maybe not cancelled) RMMV which has, itself, failed miserably.  You can read any DOT&E report for details on the sonar’s failings, if you’re interested.


  1. As a proponent of the auto industry, I really think GM, Ford, and Chrysler are missing a beat here.

    The way things are going, GM should have kept the Pontiac Aztec around, called it the 'Multi-Mission Troop Transport And Support' vehicle.

    Then they could have negotiated a contract with the Navy for it to be the standard base transport vehicle for the next 20 years.

    Does it work? Who cares?

    1. On a serious note, I think that this may have had other failures.

      The defense contractor mindset could have affected the rest of the civilian market division and stifled it.

      It's interesting that for the most part, the defense contractors attempts to gain a foothold have been an abject failure.

      Boeing is perhaps the most notable example of a dual defense/civilian company, and it is in many ways, losing ground.

      A rather scary article:

      That is the worst of the short-term profit culture for you. It's been devastating for manufacturing in terms of outsourcing.

      I've always said, the US cannot "win" at anything if the manufacturing sector becomes the Rust Belt. So too do the fortunes of the American middle class. It's a problem here in Canada too.

    2. An apt reminder about the importance of manufacturing. Good comment.

  2. Manufacturing?. If it wasn't for foreign auto maker the US wouldn't have any manufacturing. Take it from someone who had seen almost all manufacturing in the US. We don't make anything anymore just parts for cars or associated service products

    We need to bring manufacturing back now as a societal and strategic asset


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