Once in a great while, I take a peek at a non-naval issue and today is such a case.
Monday, February 26, 2024
Abrams Tanks Being Sent To Russia
Once in a great while, I take a peek at a non-naval issue and today is such a case.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Second Unmanned Squadron
The Navy plans to establish a second unmanned squadron this
May.[1] Why not? The first has demonstrated absolutely no
combat capability or enhancements to other asset’s combat capabilities so,
sure, let’s get more. This is a hot,
steaming platter of stupid served on fine china to make it look appealing
instead of putting it in the pile with the dog’s contribution to the lawn’s
Adm. Samuel Paparo made the announcement and then, rather
than describe any actual combat capabilities, immediately dropped into Secret
Squirrel mode, saying,
Remember when the Navy trumpeted the increase in air wing
size which turned out to be one aircraft?
I’m betting these exquisite capabilities are on the same scale as that.
Paparo goes on to note that unmanned craft have participated
in Integrated Battle Problems (IBP).
Here’s more unmanned news:
The degree of fantasy being applied to unmanned operations
is staggering as is the corresponding absence of firepower.
“A “principle element within warfare is the element of operational security. So, our most exquisite capabilities, if I’m doing my job, you won’t [know] about it.”[1]Exquisite capabilities??? Someone’s been taking PowerPoint lessons for creative writers at their local community college.
… IBPs have seen unmanned vessels log thousands of miles at sea over a period of several months.”[1]That’s nice. Now, have any of those miles accomplished any useful purpose or demonstrated any actual useful combat capability?
Separately, on Tuesday, Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Karsten Heckl told reporters his service would soon test a new unmanned drone designed to stealthily carry two Naval Strike Missiles to Marines ashore without attracting attention.[1]A drone that can transport two missiles? That’ll bring the Chinese navy to its knees! The general neglected to describe how this drone – or any drone – can get within sailing range of a Marine unit deep inside enemy territory. The host ship will, apparently, be invisible and undetectable by Chinese sensors. Of course, that being the case, why do we need drones?
Monday, February 19, 2024
Surface Drone Swarm
Russia just lost another landing ship to a Ukrainian drone
swarm.[1] The mind simply boggles at the
degree of ineptitude being exhibited by the Russians. Let’s use this incident to examine the use of
surface drone swarms.
Let’s start by looking at the drones Ukraine is using and see how deadly they really are.
Magura V5
The commonly reported Ukrainian drone craft is the Magura
V5. There have been different versions
produced so the specs vary, depending on the source and the referenced
variant. The drone is a relatively small
craft (5.5 m long) with a low silhouette which would make them difficult to
spot visually, however, at speed they leave a very visible wake. Their shape is not notably radar stealthy
although they are smooth and relatively free of protrusions so they may be
somewhat radar stealthy. Propulsion is
said to be an electric motor or hybrid (gas-electric?) of some sort. Presumably, the craft are readily visible in
the infrared and should be easily detectable at the horizon, some 12 miles
distant or so, depending on the height of the EO/IR sensor. Range is variously reported to be 250-500
miles. Control is via optical sensor and
satellite (Starlink?) communication. Drone
weight is 1000 kg (2200 lb) with a payload variously reported as 300-400 lbs
explosive. Cruising speed is 20 mph with
a terminal burst speed about twice that.
Let’s start by looking at the drones Ukraine is using and see how deadly they really are.
Acoustically, an electric motor running at high speed and a
craft sailing at high speed should generate significant noise and be readily
detectable at 10-25 miles, using passive sonar.
I would imagine the sound would be similar to that of a torpedo at
I would assume that, like all weapons with a range, the
reported range is much greater than the effective operational range. Thus, the operational range is likely 50-100
miles but that’s just informed speculation on my part. It does, however, greatly impact the overall
effectiveness of the drone since it impacts the launch distance from the
This is a surface running torpedo, for all intents and
purposes. Like a torpedo, it can be
deadly if not treated appropriately.
Unlike a torpedo which can be decoyed but cannot be destroyed, these
drones are easily destroyed with appropriate weapons.
Now, let’s look at the Russian landing ship.
Ropuch Amphibious
The Ropucha class landing ship is a medium size (369 ft
long, 4080 tons displacement), lightly armed LST with either 2x 57mm dual guns
(Ropucha I) or 1x 76mm gun and 2x AK-630 30mm CIWS (Ropucha II). Either way, that’s not a lot of armament!
The ship has multiple fire control, search, and navigation
radars. I assume it has EO/IR sensors
but that’s speculation.
Crew size is around 90.
Now, let’s consider some of the relevant operational
Launch Site.
The drone can be launched from shore or from a host vessel. Either way, the drones must be close enough
to the target to be within the range of the drone. It’s not as if the drone can be safely
launched from a thousand miles away. One
would think that a host vessel, meaning, potentially, any unidentified vessel
within 500 miles, would be easily spotted and sunk before it could launch the
Alternatively, if launched from shore, the launch operation
would require trucks and handling equipment given the overall drone weight of a
ton or more. This is not something that
one tucks into a backpack. It’s a fairly
major operation to transport, handle, and launch the craft. One would think that surveillance of the
likely launch areas and access roads would be effective in spotting and
preventing launches.
Detection. As
noted, there are multiple modes of detection including visual, infrared,
acoustic, and radar. A semi-alert
defender should have no trouble detecting the drones at a distance. The use of swarms of multiple drones further increases
the chance of detection.
Satellites (reportedly Starlink) are, apparently, being used to control
the drones. I assume Russia is
attempting to disrupt the satellite communications although given the
demonstrated degree of incompetence, this may not be true. Satellite vulnerabilities include physical
destruction in space, local signal disruption, cyber attacks at various points
of the satellite system (ground control, master communications, local
receivers, etc.). If Starlink
involvement is confirmed, Russia would be within their rights to conduct
physical sabotage of Starlink facilities even in the US.
If Russia is attempting any of these actions, they appear to
be having little or no success.
Targeting. Targeting
information is likely being gathered via satellites and UAVs, probably from
Ukrainian-allied countries like the US. Again,
if confirmed, Russia could conduct attacks on the targeting assets with minimal
risk of escalation. The last several
years have demonstrated that the US is highly unlikely to respond beyond
speeches and warnings that are never acted on.
Lethality. The
drones reportedly carry around three hundred pounds of explosive which is a
reasonably substantial amount of explosive.
However, it should be noted that the explosive is a non-penetrating
effect as compared to a shell, bomb, or missile. This lessons the extent of damage relative to
the nominal weight of explosive since a significant amount of the explosive
force is directed away from the ship. A
similar phenomenon occurred in the attack on the USS Cole.
Proximity. The
Ukrainian drones benefit greatly from the unique geography of this
situation. The operating area is a
fairly small, constrained area as opposed to the open ocean that the US Navy
would operate in during a war with China.
Of course, if the Navy opted to do something stupid, like operate near
land with inadequately armed and sensored ships, as the Russians are doing,
then the result could well be similar.
Damage Control.
The Russians appear to have had very little success in applying damage
control to ships that have been struck.
Obviously, hard data on this is difficult to come by.
To sum up the preceding, the drones are potentially damaging
with a few hundred pounds of explosive but they are also small, highly
vulnerable to destruction, and easily detected.
So, why are they having some success?
Note: We hear about the successes but we do not
hear about the failures, if any, and I assume there are many. For example, it could be that only one in a
hundred drones succeed. While that
wouldn’t change the overall end result, it would certainly change the
assessment of the efficiency of the drones.
There is simply no getting around the staggering degree of
Russian ineptitude. They are sending
ill-equipped ships, unescorted, into known dangerous waters with, apparently,
no aviation surveillance support such as helos or UAVs. A handful of small, simple escorts with
suitable sensors and weapons would end the drone threat. Even submarines ought to be able to provide
detection of drones, interdiction of host ships, if any (most hints suggest
shore launches), and covert surveillance of possible shore launch sites.. Russia supposedly has seven Kilo class subs
in the Black Sea and their sonars should be able to detect drones and provide
early warning.
The operational stupidity is compounded by the lack of long
range interdiction of the launch points and ships/trucks that are used to
transport and launch the drones. Russia
should have air, land, and sea patrols dedicated to finding and destroying the
transport/launch vehicles or ships.
If we consider the kill chain concept, there are several
links in the chain where the Russians could take effective action to disrupt
the chain (production facilities, storage facilities, transport, launch event,
local detection, and local destruction).
Bafflingly, the Russians seem to be unwilling or unable to break the
chain at any of those points.
In the hints we get from videos, the Russians appear unable
to kill many (any?) drones with the weapons they do have. This speaks volumes about the overhyped
claims of Russian weapon performance (as we’ve seen throughout history and
covering ALL Russian weapon systems) and/or the woeful state of Russian
Compounding all this is the Russian’s unwillingness to seek
out and destroy targeting platforms. The
Russians could, simply, declare suitably large exclusion zones and then destroy
any foreign (US) aircraft in the area.
Similar actions could be taken against satellite surveillance if,
indeed, that is a source of targeting information.
As with all other aspects of this war, Russia is conducting
the drone defense operations in the most inept manner imaginable.
The Ukraine success is due almost exclusively to Russian
ineptitude rather than any inherent capabilities of the drones which, as we’ve
discussed, are not particularly formidable on paper.
So many naval observers want to jump on the drone bandwagon
because of Ukraine’s handful of successful attacks but is this enthusiasm
An objective analysis suggests that drones are not a threat
to an alert, suitably equipped defender who counters the threat with
intelligent operations, doctrine and tactics.
The ineptitude of the Russians cannot be ignored and, therefore, trying
to derive universal lessons from this is an exercise in futility if not
downright misleading.
Like any threat, if one fails to treat the threat with the
respect it deserves, it can be lethal.
The US needs to be aware of drone threats and train and equip to counter
them but they are not, inherently, a serious threat.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Quantity Revisited
We all know the old saying,
“Quantity has a quality all its own.”
Unfortunately, our military has forgotten (or chosen to
ignore) that pearl of wisdom. We’ve made
the conscious decision to opt for exquisite quality and have ceded quantity to
the enemy. Worse, as it’s turned out, the
enemy’s quality is, arguably, as good or better than ours so that they now possess
both quantity and quality advantages over us.
It is past time to revisit quantity.
Consider just a few examples of recent quantity limitations
which, contrary to our hopes and beliefs, were not offset by quality:
Quality also comes with a penalty in terms of cost. Quality is expensive. It’s a simple fact. As we speak, the Navy is using multi-million
dollar missiles to shoot down thousand dollar Houthi drones. What shipboard missile in the Navy inventory
costs less than $1M?
The SPY-6 radar on our latest Burkes cost $180M according to
the 2024 Navy budget documentation. The
TRS-3D radar costs around $10M. Quality
is expensive.
Additionally, quality equals complexity and complexity
equals unreliability. Our exquisite
aircraft struggle to attain 50% full mission readiness rates. Aegis is permanently degraded, fleet
wide. And so on. Dumb artillery shells, on the other hand, have
100% readiness. Sure, there may be an
occasional dud but when you’re firing thousands of shells, who cares? We have hundreds of Aegis technicians
laboring daily to keep it running. How
many artillery shell maintenance techs are there? That’s right … none.
We’ve consciously ceded quantity to the enemy and have
failed to achieve any overarching quality advantage. That leaves us at an overall disadvantage
compared to China. We need to rethink
the role that quantity plays on the battlefield.
Quality has to be pretty substantial to compensate for
quantity and our quality is not substantially superior to our enemy’s.
If we can’t achieve a quality overmatch, that brings us full
circle back to quantity. Quantity is
easily achievable, affordable, easily mass produced during war, reliable, and
brutally effective. What’s not to like?
Germany and Japan entered WWII with quality advantages and
were beaten by overwhelming quantity, especially as their quality advantages
faded as the war progressed. There’s a
lesson there for us.
We need reasonable quality in overwhelming quantities.
- Ukraine weapons/munitions supply has been woefully insufficient to meet military needs and the quality of the weapons we’ve provided has not compensated for the limited quantities.
- The 2011 Libyan intervention saw weapons/munitions depletion occur in a matter of weeks with no compensating success due to quality.
- Air wings have been steadily downsized with no compensating improvement in quality.
- The LCAC is being replaced in smaller numbers despite the landing craft being virtually identical to the original. Smaller quantity and identical quality.
- We currently have more VLS cells than missiles in our inventory and our strike and anti-ship missiles are fading rapidly in quality due to obsolescence. Our quantities are limited and our quality is stagnant.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Squandered Opportunities
History is replete with squandered opportunities. Consider a few examples:
Pearl Harbor – We knew, almost to the day, that an
attack was coming and squandered the opportunity to prevent it or effectively
defend against it.
Twin Towers/11-Sep-2001 Terrorist Attack – We had all
the information required to anticipate the attack but squandered the
opportunity to put the pieces together.
Hitler – The Allies had endless opportunities to forcefully
confront and halt Hitler in the run up to WWII but squandered the opportunity to
prevent or limit the scope of the war.
Russia – After the collapse of the Soviet Union and
the end of the Cold War, we had a chance to bring Russia into the international
community as, if not a friend, at least not an enemy but squandered the
opportunity to integrate them into the rest of the world.
Now, some argue that those opportunities were evident only
in hindsight but that’s simply not true.
We had all the information we needed to recognize each instance but we
failed to take advantage of the opportunity.
This raises the question … what opportunities are we
squandering, right now, that some misguided idiot in the future is going to
attempt to claim were not evident right now?
Sticking with military related topics, here’s a few that are
glaringly obvious and yet we’re in the process of squandering the opportunities.
Weapons Production – The Ukraine situation is bashing
us across the head with a 2”x4” warning that our weapon production capacity is
woefully insufficient to wage a war with China.
If we can’t supply Ukraine, we certainly can’t supply a war with
China. Now, during whatever years we
have left before the war with China, we should be desperately ramping up
weapons production and yet we’re squandering the opportunity.
Fleet Size – It is painfully evident that war with
China is inevitable (or, to pacify you optimists, it’s at least a very real
possibility, if not a sure thing) and we should be desperately building up our
fleet size. Instead, we’re squandering
the opportunity and actually doing the exact opposite by retiring more ships
than we’re building with many of them being early retired. We’re also squandering the opportunity to
build a reserve fleet.
Raw Materials – It is a fact that many of our
critical raw materials are outside our control.
For example, our supply of rare earths, critical for the manufacture of so
many weapons and sensors, comes from China!
We should be desperately building mining, refining, and manufacturing
facilities to become self-sufficient in every strategically critical raw
material but we’re squandering the opportunity.
Nuclear Iran – Iran is not even pretending to hide its
nuclear weapons production efforts. Now
is the time to strike and strike hard to prevent this. Instead, unbelievably, we’re not only squandering
the opportunity to stop Iran, we’re actually shipping them money to finance
their nuclear ambitions!
Africa – China and terrorists (is there a
difference?) are taking over Africa.
Now, before either are irrevocably established, is the time to prevent
this. Instead, we’re but we’re
squandering the opportunity.
Containing China – It’s obvious that China is on a collision
course with the US/West. We’ve had
endless opportunities to contain China but continue to squander the
Internal Terrorism – With the unregulated southern
border admitting all manner of terrorists and unfriendly state actors, it’s
only a matter of when, not if, we’ll suffer an attack similar to the Hamas
attack on Israel. We’re blatantly squandering
the opportunity to seal the border and prevent a future attack.
And the list goes on. History will not be kind to us, nor
should it, when the squandered opportunities are recognized and documented on
some tragic day in the future.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Burke, Zumwalt, and Deck Space
Let me ask you a question
… Where do you put weapons on a
ship? It’s not a trick question. The answer is simple and obvious: you put them on some open area of the
deck. Guns, VLS, RAM/SeaRAM, triple
torpedo tube launchers, Mk141 (Harpoon) rack launchers, Naval Strike Missile
rack launchers … whatever.
They’re all mounted on decks.
The concept also applies to most sensors, decoy launchers,
electronic warfare emitters, communications antennae, etc. In some cases the deck space takes the form
of a sponson or platform jutting off the side of the superstructure but we
realize that the sponson/platform is simply a small section of horizontal deck
welded to the side of the superstructure.
Here’s another blindingly obvious question (though a seeming
mystery to the Navy!): we want WARships
to have as many weapons (and sensors and …) as possible, right? Therefore, since weapons require deck space
to mount and we want as many weapons as possible, it logically follows that we
want as much open, available deck space as possible, right?
A good WARship design should maximize deck space in order to
maximize its installed firepower and to allow for future weapon additions such
as inevitably happens during war when weapons that should have been installed
from the start are frantically retrofitted.
Those magnificent Burkes with their single CIWS are going to quickly
become loaded with additional CIWS/SeaRAM when war comes. After all, you don’t want to protect a $2B
ship with a single CIWS with a limited field of fire that only covers half the
ship, right? Where are those extra
CIWS/SeaRAM going to be mounted? Any
open deck space, of course!
Further, the best deck space is the lower, main deck because
it minimizes top-heaviness and stability issues.
So, a good WARship design should maximize deck space and, in
particular, lower/main deck space.
We’ve covered this in a previous post where we noted that
ship superstructures have grown enormously since WWII and the ‘cost’ has been
usable deck space for weapon mounts (see, “ShipSuperstructures”).
So, having established that a good WARship design emphasizes
and maximizes open deck space, let’s take a look at two specific examples: the Burke and the Zumwalt classes. How much deck space do they have?
Displacement = 9,700 tons
Nominal dimensions = 509 ft x 66 ft
For calculation purposes, let’s call the dimensions 509 ft x
60 ft to allow for narrowing at the bow and stern. Thus, Burke = 30,540 sq.ft. of deck space
The flight deck which is around 92 ft x 60 ft = 5,520
sq.ft. Subtracting this from the nominal
total deck space leaves 25,020 sq.ft
nominally available for weapons.
Displacement = 15,907 tons
Nominal dimensions = 610 ft x 80 ft
The main deck section extends 325 ft from the stern to the forward
edge of superstructure where the deck begins to sharply angle in towards the
bow. Allowing for the tumblehome of the
hull which narrows the available deck space, we have around 70 ft of width on
the deck. Thus the main deck section is
approximately 325 ft x 70 ft = 22,750 sq.ft.
The forward, angled section is a triangular shape about 255
ft to the bow and 70 ft wide at the base of the triangular shape. Using the formula for the area of a triangle
(1/2 x base x length) = 8,025 sq.ft.
Note that the extreme narrowing of the Zumwalt’s bow makes a
significant portion of that area useless for weapon installations. I would estimate that 10% is too narrow to be
useful, making the effective forward deck area closer to 7,945 sq.ft.
Thus the nominal, usable total deck area = 22,750 sq.ft. + 7,945
sq.ft. = 30,695 sq.ft.
The flight deck which is around 141 ft x 70 ft = 9,870
sq.ft. Subtracting this from the nominal
total deck space leaves 20,825 sq.ft
nominally available for weapons.
Note that these calculations are for the apparent footprint
of the deck area. In reality, some
portion of the apparent deck footprint consists of the slanted sides of the
superstructures so all the deck area calculations are overstated by, perhaps,
5%-10%. However, not wanting to be
bothered with that exact of a determination, we’ll ignore the slanted sides
reduction on the deck area and assume that it’s a wash across both ships.
We see, then, that
the Zumwalt’s displacement is 64% (1.6 times larger) greater than the Burke
while the deck space is 17% less.
We built a cruiser size Zumwalt 64% larger than a Burke
with 17% less space for mounting weapons.
When war comes and we start looking to install additional
weapons, we’re going to find that the Zumwalt was a poor design that could not
readily accept additional weapons … such as close in weapons of which the ship
currently has none.
Just for fun, let’s take a look at a WWII ship with a
displacement similar to the Burke: the
Northampton class cruiser at 9,200 tons versus the Burke at 9,700 tons. The Northampton is actually 500 tons lighter
but that’s close enough.
Displacement = 9,200 tons
Nominal dimensions = 600 ft x 66 ft
For calculation purposes, let’s call the dimensions 600 ft x
60 ft to allow for narrowing at the bow and stern. Thus, Northampton = 36,000 sq.ft. of deck space
We see, then, that the Northampton, while slightly lighter,
has 10,980 sq.ft. more deck space for weapons!
We’ve lost our way in WARship design.
Caveat: All of this ignores weight margins and
stability. Available deck space is
useless if the ship can’t support the added weight and remain stable. Of course, when war comes, we’ll strip out
tons of crew comforts thus freeing up weight and stability for weapons.
Nominal dimensions = 509 ft x 66 ft
Nominal dimensions = 610 ft x 80 ft
Nominal dimensions = 600 ft x 66 ft
Monday, February 5, 2024
A Second Life for Retiring Burkes?
The Burke class will begin retiring soon. The early Burkes were commissioned beginning
in 1991 and are now approaching 30+ years of service with a scheduled 35 year
service life. The Navy does not maintain
a reserve fleet so retiring Burkes will likely be scrapped or sold to foreign
countries. With the ever-shrinking size
of the fleet, one can’t help but wonder whether we could bestow a second life
on the Burkes when they reach the end of their front line service.
Let’s consider alternative, second life uses for the early
Flt I and II Burkes (lacking hangars) which will be the first to be retired.
As a point of interest, we did a similar post for the LCS in
which we considered alternate uses for the vessel (see, “LCS Alternative Uses”).
Before we go any further, we need to address, and dispense
with, the belief that the ships will have reached the end of their life and
that no further service is even possible due to physical constraints.
Despite the Navy’s dismissive and foolish attitude towards
older ships, any ship, even one as poorly maintained as a Navy ship, can have
its service life substantially (indefinitely) extended. Consider a few examples of extended ship service
lives that we’ve seen.
We can renovate anything, if we wish.
Consider the example of the B-52 bomber which has been in
active service since the 1950’s, some 70 years or so. We can re-wing, re-instrument, re-fuselage,
re-anything. Similarly, we can replace a
ship’s storage tanks, replace internal wiring and piping, replace corroded
sections of hull plating, replace engines, upgrade computers, install new
weapons and sensors, and so on and it’s still cheaper than building a brand new
One valid concern regarding new construction is that we are
currently limited not only by new construction budget but also by new
construction shipyard capacity. Congress,
the Navy, and the submarine industry, for example, all want to increase
submarine production by one additional submarine per year but the shipyard
capacity simply doesn’t exist. Upgrades
and renovations suffer from this same constraint but to a lesser extent in that
renovation/conversion work can be performed by more facilities than are
available for new construction. Thus, through
renovation we can gain ‘new’ ships without having to tie up new construction
The steady, reliable, additional work demand of constant
Burke conversions would also encourage industry to expand their facilities to
support substantial additional work.
Thus, we not only gain useful ships for a bargain price, we grow our
shipbuilding industry. Win, win!
Of course, there’s always the challenge of developing a
sufficient skilled labor pool but we’ve already addressed how to accomplish
So, now that we understand and recognize that conversions
are possible and that there is no actual physical service life limit, what
specific alternate Burke uses could we imagine?
Here are a few possibilities:
ASW Helicopter Destroyer
– The aft VLS could be eliminated and converted to a second flight deck with
dual hangars each side of the stack housing.
With the existing, main level flight deck this would provide two flight
decks and two hangars giving the ship the ability to operate 4-6 SH-60 type
helos. The forward 32-cell VLS could be
used for a combination of AAW defense and anti-submarine VL-ASROC (we ought to
develop a substantially longer range VL-ASROC!). Adding Russian-style RBU or Hedgehog type
close-in anti-submarine weapons would further enhance the ASW capability.
- WWII LSTs are still in service around the world.
- The Perry class frigates, which the Navy claimed could not be upgraded, have been upgraded and still serve in various foreign navies.
- The WWII cruiser USS Phoenix, launched in 1938, served as the Argentine Belgrano until sunk in 1982.
![]() |
Concept Drawing of a Burke ASW Helo Destroyer - Note the second, raised flight deck in place of the VLS and room for two hangars either side of the stack |
Friday, February 2, 2024
US Strikes Iranian Proxies
Here’s a semi-open post for comments related to the US
strikes on Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq.
Note: US Central
Command reports that it struck 85 targets with 125+ precision munitions. However, note the following from a Redstate
website report:
I’ll update if/when I can provide any worthwhile analysis.
The number of targets appears to be "aimpoints" rather than bases. Sky News Arabia reports only three military bases were hit.[1]Thus, if true, the strikes were nowhere near as massive as Central Command reporting would suggest.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Luck is Not a Strategy
It is being reported that a US Navy ship, the USS Gravely, a
Burke class destroyer, was forced to use its CIWS to down a sea-skimming
anti-ship missile. If this continues,
there is only one possible outcome. No
defense is perfect and the Houthis only need to win once whereas the Navy has
to be 100% perfect.
This is an unsustainable, unwinnable situation. We’ve got to either leave the area before we
lose a ship or we have to engage with total force. There is no middle ground. The administration is hanging the Navy out to
It is also disturbing that a (apparently single) missile could get that close. Something failed.
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