
Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Jolly Roger

USS Kidd flies the Jolly Roger.
USS Kidd Flying the Jolly Roger

USS Kidd Flying the Jolly Roger

Those are not photoshop’ed pictures.  The USS Kidd is authorized to fly the Jolly Roger.[1]  The tradition began with the Fletcher class destroyer, USS Kidd, in 1943 and the tradition has passed down the line of ships named Kidd. 
The tradition is associated with Medal of Honor winner  Admiral Isaac Kidd and a nickname related to privateer/pirate Captain William Kidd.  The usage of the Jolly Roger was blessed by Admiral Kidd’s widow.
In addition to the flag, paintings of the Jolly Roger appear around the ship.
Jolly Roger on the rear of the Kidd's 5" gun.

Enjoy it.  I’m sure some woke idiot in the Navy will be coming for it soon.



  1. With the Jolly Roger come Letters of Marque and Reprisal,
    does the RN still have a Prize Court ?
    The would make Houthi Patrol more popular if the KIdd could sell off some those ships flying flags of convenience.

    1. I don't know about the RN but the US constitution addresses Letters of Marque and Reprisal thusly,

      In Article I, Section 8, the Constitution provides the following power to Congress:

      “To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;”

    2. I reviewed a book that offered a fictional story about the modern US Congress issuing a Letter. It was a good book and a fascinating topic. See, Letter of Marque and Reprisal

    3. Sign me up!! Operating under a Letter might just be fun for an old sailor. Now if we can just talk Ryan into loaning us New Jersey. I'd settle for Kidd or The Sullivan's in a pinch though!!

  2. There is a neat story that I hope is true. Its when the Fletcher class USS Kidd sailed on its first cruise from the yard in New Jersey to the Brooklyn yard Mrs. Kidd was on the bridge as a guest. The skipper gave her the honorary conn of the ship as they sailed across New York Harbor. During the war she wrote many letters to the ship and its crew to help keep up moral and to thank them for their service to the Navy and the US.

  3. Looking at the Burke class DDG and forgetting the rust, she is starting to look quite dated, so many new classes of foreign ships now , plus the Chinese ones, look far more modern and LO than the Burke. And usually don't look as rusty....sad state of affairs for USN.

    1. I recall spending about 1/3 of my time chipping paint when I could have been working and learning inside my rate. I'm sure we couldn't ask the poor dears to do that now, could we? I read a policy document a year or two ago that stated that it would be cruel and unusual for a Caption to expect ship maintenance outside their rate. So USN ships look like crap.

    2. A joke alleged to come from the Canadian Navy: "How do you recognise the US ships?"

      Answer: "They're the ones with the dents."

  4. I don't know if you have read "Ghost Fleet" which is a quite interesting story about war between the US and China. Its a few years out of date now, but still fun.

    It has a pretty interesting section about a private US billionaire commissioning a privateer to take down a Chinese space station.

    I quite enjoyed it!

  5. Sorry if this is off topic. Royal Navy subs fly the Jolly Roger when returning from a successful mission

    1. The Jolly Roger is the official emblem of the Royal Navy Submarine Service. Max Horton, one of the greatest RN submariners, first flew it, and now it's traditional.

  6. You better fly a Jolly Regina alongside or you can just take those down

  7. My HOA had a requirement that only government approved flags could be flown in our subdivision. I hoisted the Jolly Roger knowing full well the story of ADM Kidd and the ships named for him. An email with attached photos settled the HOA Karens in short order.


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