
Monday, April 1, 2024

USS Salem Reactivated

The Navy has announced the formation of an experimental hypersonic destroyer squadron consisting of the three Zumwalt class ships, the Zumwalt (DDG-1000), Monsoor (DDG-1001), and Johnson (DDG-1002).[1]  Zumwalt and Monsoor are scheduled to receive hypersonic missile launch cells, however, due to the lack of available missiles in the foreseeable future, Johnson will have space allocated and modifications made to be fitted with missiles at a future date.  In the meantime, the Navy has also announced that the USS Salem (CA-139), currently a preserved museum ship at Quincy, Massachusetts after being struck in 1991, will be reactivated for the purpose of removing one of its 8” triple gun turrets which will be mounted on the Johnson as an experiment in a combined hypersonic and heavy calilber gun vessel.
USS Salem as Museum Ship

Navy spokesman, Cmdr. Al Einshtein, explained that the addition of the Salem turret to the Johnson would return the Zumwalt class ship to its original purpose which was land attack.
The 8” mount will boost existing naval gun support to levels never before seen.  Further, it will allow us to experiment with 8”-compatible, extended range munitions which was, after all, the original intent of the Zumwalt class Advanced Gun System (AGS) and Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP).[1]

 He added,
At the same time, we want to modify the Johnson to operate unmanned, in conjunction with her manned sister ships Zumwalt, and Monsoor, as a sort of naval loyal wingman, analogous to the Air Force’s unmanned wingman program.[1]

 Work is scheduled to begin 31-Sept-2024 and complete in early 2027.

[1]US Navy Public Relations Affairs and Misinformation


  1. It is the first of April

  2. "The 8” mount will boost existing naval gun support to levels never before seen."

    The addition of a typical Navy Inc., Lie was a great touch.

    1. That line was particularly awesome.


  3. They finally got useful replacement for the MAWS project, the Paddle wheel Advanced Logistic Ship. Using proven propulsion technology it wil be able to move Marines in theater sustainably. The use of steam technology (none that flawed digital stuff) it will be able to use locally sourced vegetation as an energy source. In addition, the reinforced paddle wheels will allows the vessel to easily climb and evacuate most beaches.

    Finally the support our Marines deserve from their Navy PALS.

  4. The JMSDF has decided to return to it's previous name.
    Long like the Imperial Japanese Navy.
    The Yamato II, with advanced 18in gun system will built,
    to respond to USN re-armament.
    The good old days have returned.

  5. This is almost plausible, considering some of the stuff emenating from on high these days.

    1. That's the problem with trying to do a ridiculous, funny April Fool's piece ... every ridiculous, funny thing I can think of, the Navy has already tried to do it for real. They're making it really difficult to do April Fool's day!

  6. So what you are saying is that for the navy, any day can be April 1st.


    1. "any day can be April 1st."

      EVERY day is April Fools in the Navy! It's like they're living Groundhog Day, over and over, on April 1st.

  7. Always expect a good April Fools from CNO. Do want to know, what are the Zummies doing, USN has been very quiet about them? Any new news?

  8. Good one as always CNO!! Was on my first coffee, so I was nearly panic struck over the desecration of a museum ship before realizing somthing wasnt...quite...right. Oh...and the date LOL!!

    1. The museum ship might be the best of the bunch.

  9. U got me, Comnavops!

    1. Don't feel bad. The Navy's real actions are so ridiculous that it's hard to distinguish real from a joke. Happy April Fools day!

  10. The link was a nice touch! That's the kind of attention to detail you won't find on our new sub-hunting frigate, missing a hull mounted sonar...


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