
Friday, April 22, 2022

Bollinger Refurbishing Dry Docks

Here’s one of those rare posts in which I’m simply repeating news from other sources and have no value-added content to offer.
The Navy has awarded Bollinger Shipyards a $33M contract to refurbish components of two dry docks under the Navy’s $21B, 20 year Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP) plan.[1]  These docks will be used to support submarines in Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (Kittery, Maine).
It is just so nice to be able to describe a positive, beneficial action by the Navy albeit one that is many years overdue and highlights the Navy’s decades long, gross incompetence and negligence.  Still, it’s a positive and welcome step that ComNavOps wholeheartedly approves of!
[1]Breaking Defense, “Bollinger Shipyards wins Navy contract to finish first two SIOP dry docks”, Justin Katz, 21-Apr-2022,


  1. So what others need refurbishing/rebuilding, and what is the Navy's schedule for accomplishing all of them?

    1. "what others need refurbishing/rebuilding"

      All of them!

      "what is the Navy's schedule for accomplishing all of them?"

      20 year SIOP plan.

    2. Not sure if correct but my understanding the 20 year SIOP $21 billion (a wild guess) program is purely for the four nuclear capable/certified public shipyards which near 100% committed to CVN's and subs maintenance, no investment in the private shipyards that carry out the maintenance on the Navy's conventional ships, Burkes, amphibs, oilers etc

    3. "my understanding the 20 year SIOP $21 billion (a wild guess) program is purely for the four nuclear capable/certified public shipyards"

      Yes, the SIOP is for the public shipyards.

  2. I remember when SIOP was the acronym for nuclear warfare. Now it's fixing dry docks. The times, they are a-changing.


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