
Saturday, November 24, 2018

New Reader Responsibility

There has been an influx of new readers in recent weeks and I find that we're having to repeat a lot of material that has been previously covered.  The archives exist for a reason.  It is the responsibility of new readers to become familiar with the archive material so as to avoid 're-litigating' old issues. I don't mind new perspectives on old issues as long as the reader has done his homework and reviewed the existing material.  You'll find, however, that many of your ideas and arguments have already been covered.

So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and enjoy the wisdom of the archives!  Plus, with your new-found knowledge you'll be more interesting and you'll find yourself invited to more parties.



  1. If you are on mobile change the m=1 at end of url to m=0. This makes it the desktop view. (Mobile? True/false). This makes the archives easier to access. It took me a few months to find them, because mobile version had them hidden.

    1. The posts in the archive all have URLs that end in '.html'. What specific URL are you referring to and what does the 'm' refer to?


      The m at end is for mobile devices. 1 means mobile view, 0 is desktop. Sometimes the websites will have a link to get to it, usually at bottom in small print. The way it optimises is hides archives. My first few weeks I couldn't find them. I am sure that some other people that rely on smart phone to view this blog had trouble locating them.

    3. I never knew that. Thanks for the educational assistance!

  2. I had precisely that issue!! I blathered on, blissfully unaware of the archives for quite a while. Sorry about that ComNavOps!! But thanks @RobTzu1 for bringing it up and making me feel better about not being the only one!!!

    1. Well, the unviewable archives is an issue I was unaware of and that's most unfortunate. To the best of my knowledge, there's nothing I can do about it. If anyone knows anything I can do, let me know.

  3. ComNavOps you lied to me. I tried discussing the merits of a modern Battleship vs a Carrier with people at a bar......they kicked me out and didn't invite me back.

    The carrier Bias is strong.

    1. Hopefully, you didn't present the argument as battleships OVER carriers. No one, including myself, believes that's a good idea. BB's would make excellent SUPPLEMENTS to carriers, not replacements. Anyone who attempts to construct a carrier vs battleship argument has zero grasp of military and naval reality.

  4. Hello,

    go in to Blogger's dashboard.
    Click on the Theme button on the left hand side.
    Click on the Cog button under the Mobile panel.
    Click on the No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices button.
    Click on the Save button.

    Grand Logistics.

    1. Done. Thanks. We'll see how it works out for readers.


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