
Saturday, June 2, 2018

New Navy Uniforms

The Navy has just introduced its 17th new uniform in the last five years.  Here it is.  Drink it in.

New Navy Uniforms

Function trumps appearance so I'll leave it to those who are actually wear testing them to speak to that but as far as appearance, what a pile of steaming crap!  They look like the local mechanic at the rundown gas station in a 1950's movie.  Seriously, couldn't we design a uniform that looks good as well as being functional?  Is it that hard?  Apparently so.  Two of the three uniforms look like maternity clothes and I'll leave it to you to decide which two!  All three look sloppy.  It also looks like one size fits all (poorly) so that will help with ordering, I guess.

There is nothing shipshape about these uniforms.

Another triumph for the Navy!


  1. "It also looks like one size fits all (poorly) so that will help with ordering, I guess."

    Its one size fits all so there arent mens and womens uniforms anymore.

    Are they supposed to not be ironed?

  2. Focus Groups !
    Focus groups say they wanted a 2 piece and something to wear while commuting says Navy Times

  3. I love my overalls for work. When I wear pants and hang things off them my pants droop down and when I pull them up my undies get twisted. When I become SecNaV the shipboard uni will be a light breathable overall that is flame resistant. No velcro either.

  4. Agree, 2 of the 3 look like maternity clothes!!!! The dark blue is somewhat OK, I guess but overall, all 3 look sloppy.

  5. The purpose of a uniform board is to produce new uniforms.
    The problem arises when the uniform board is a permanent entity, let the board do it's job then disband it until it required.
    If the uniform board exists it will keep creating new uniforms.

    1. And clearly such a committee is of such importance that only the Navy's best minds have been appointed.....are these the ones that failed to make the LCS design team or the new ship test programme?

  6. This way the pregnant women won't feel triggered by people noticing their condition.

  7. Perhaps the Uniform Board can start designing a specific uniform for each ship.

    Eg- barista uniform for the Littoral Coffee Ship


  8. Hey , on all the pants models they are no big side pockets, why's that?

    1. Because everything is digital so there's nothing to carry! Heh, heh :)

  9. What the hell was wrong with Dungarees?

  10. More crappy uniforms for the Navy, the Navy has been changing uniforms for the last 50 years and very seldom do they hit a home run and if they do the make it out for some sort of burn me alive in plastic fabric. That khaki uniform really sucks.


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