
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Navy Prepares For Combat

This was a real headline from a Navy Times article:

“Carrier John C. Stennis throws sexual assault awareness rodeo” (1)

 “The SAPR [Sexual Assault Prevention and Response] Rodeo consisted of games such as rope toss, trivia and an obstacle course all designed to teach Sailors about the different facets of the SAPR program.” (1)

And we’re unsure why our combat readiness isn’t what it should be and why our ships are colliding and running aground because we don't have enough training time?


(1)Navy Times website, “Carrier John C. Stennis throws sexual assault awareness rodeo”, Geoff Ziezulewicz, 23-Apr-2018


  1. Its not about the 'what' its about the 'how'. If thats how the Navy thinks it should tackle something like sexual assault, well, its no wonder that they seem to have a similar competence level training sailors how to..uh...sail.

    1. Can't wait for the "War Fighting Rodeo"
      Harpoon Darts, first darts with fins, then darts without fins simulating Chinese ECM.

      HR Dept.

    2. "Harpoon darts"

      Yes!!! Love it.

  2. This isn't that relevant to this post, but an Austal naval architect who works with the folks who designed the Independence-Variant LCS has been defending their design choices on Quora. He seems to be blaming the Navy for poor design requirements rather than his colleagues, but at least he admits that the final result isn't much of a warship.

    Perhaps you'd like to ask him a few questions as well.

    1. Thanks for the link. I read the comment and it wasn't very useful or authoritative. An employee of the company, blaming the Navy? Not particularly surprising, is it? He acknowledges that he wasn't involved in any of the design work, having come to the company long after the design was complete. He offers a few generic thoughts, none of which are new or revealing. In short, he appears to have nothing to offer.

  3. I left the Army reserves for this reason. Instead of training for my job it was stupid class after stupid class month after month. 1999 to 2011.

    1. You've experienced it first hand, unfortunately. Thanks for sharing your experience, though.

  4. They should go a step further than this, a carrier has the population of a small town so they should just legalize prostitution on vessels that size :D You know how much problems that would solve :D

    1. I'd be willing to bet that the black market has already taken care of that...

  5. This is almost a caricature. Is there a 'Dilbert' for the Military?



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