
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Submersible LST

In the recent post, Future Navy - Part 2, the reader "ats" offered a comment about a submersible LST for amphibious assaults.  The idea just caught my fancy and I sketched out a quick concept drawing.  It's nothing special because I'm not an artist but I thought I'd share it with you just for fun.  Thanks "ats"!

Submersible LST Inspired by "ats"


  1. Something along that idea too:

    1. That's a great link and it's something I was totally unaware of. Thanks!

  2. It's a stealthy LCU. The problem is safe approach for landing without being stuck. An alternative would be releasing crafts that can float to the beach.
    Taking this idea a step towards practical use: transport a Desert Patrol Vehicle(DPV) with an Advanced SEAL Delivery System (ASDS) or SEAL delivery vehicle (SDV). How? Insert the DPV into a narco-torpedo and tow it. The DPV can be disassembled to some degree to fit into a smaller transport hull. Close to the beach it surfaces and is a simple landing boat that can be towed back to sea if it gets stuck.
    It's for very clandestine motorized landing that has improved intelligence gathering capability, not a massive combat force that is better inserted by other means with more payload and less stealth.


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